Happy's Healing Miracle

by Victoria
(Los Angeles California )

Who is Happy? Happy is literally God's gift to me.
A beautiful American Staffordshire terrier that I adopted eight years ago from the animal shelter.
It was days before Christmas, and I had been searching for just the right dog for four years, seeing hundreds of dogs at many different animal shelters. Many lovely animals, but none that I wanted to take home. So there she was. It was instant love, and a bond that formed immediately. Most adoptions would cost about $100.
I had only $20, not just on me, but $20. I was so thrilled to find out, the adoption would only cost $8.00, since she had already been spayed. She jumped up on the counter with her front paws as I was filling out the adoption form, naming her, Happy. As we left, everyone walking in marveled over her, saying, "She's SO happy!"
Yes, she is, we are, and that's what I just named her!
We got in the car, she threw her front paws in my lap, my right arm over her, and drove an hour home. Thanks to God, she was only in the shelter for one day, and He gave her to me. Because of many people's fear, prejudice, and ignorance of her breed, she would have been euthanized after one week. She was only a year old.
Happy is the most loving, fun, gracious, intelligent, and kind dog you can ever imagine. Because of her fairness and love for sun bathing, she developed skin cancer. Not being fond of medications or radiation, I decided to treat the small tumors holistically.
It was working! The tumors were shrinking. The company stopped making the berry tincture I was using, and not knowing what else to do, I did nothing, and the tumors came back, one growing very large. Not having any money, I pleaded with veterinarians to help her. The tumors are bleeding, and horrific, causing a foul odor, and distress to all of us. Well, because I had no money, NO ONE would help her. Not one bit of compassion for either her or me. Disgusted and heartbroken, and exhausted, I took her home, and told her I would do whatever I could to comfort her, and help her. Even if it was just gently cleaning her wounds. She is losing massive amounts of blood, and our home is a mess. I started to pray to God. I said, "I know that Happy is a precious gift to me from you, Dear God. I know that you LOVE her. I have complete faith in you. Please heal Happy, Dear God. She does not deserve to be disgraced and disrespected like she'd been at the vets' office.
Not thinking anything more about it, I gave it to God. All the stress left my body, and I was at peace. The next day, when I went to clean her up, I had to look closely for the first tumor. I was amazed! It was so much smaller, more than 3/4 gone! I was jumping for joy! God is AMAZING! The second tumor, although still large, was greatly reduced in size. Before the prayer, I was in fear, and felt helpless, as the tumors were growing rapidly by the day. I was overwhelmed with seeing my beloved dog suffer, and constantly cleaning up the blood and mess. Now, I am strengthened to help her, and I know that God is healing her. I would like to tell the veterinarian who told me there is no cure for cancer, to put her ego aside, and try God. It is truly a miracle. Happy is living proof of God's love, power, and faithfulness. 'and God is not willing that any of these little ones should perish'. Photos will not be disclosed to preserve Happy's dignity.

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