Anger and Health

Why are anger and health together as an issue?  What has one to do with the other?

Forgiveness, YOU SAY!  Why should I forgive?!  You have no idea what they did to me! Forgiveness, they don't deserve.  

What does forgiveness have to do with my Health and Wellness anyway?

Everything. You may feel justified holding on to your anger. But your health can suffer as you replay the situation over and over again in your mind.

Each time you rehearse the situation in your mind, you can become angrier and angrier and feel even more justified. You may feel like you can't get over it and let bitterness seep deep inside you. Your health and wellness feel slowly drained away. Your anger and health can be connected and affect you adversely.

Our body has limitations. Anger, hatred, and bitterness are toxic substances, and our bodies react to them like any other toxin.

As researchers study the effects of being unforgiving, there is mounting evidence that anger and health are related. Holding grudges and bitterness can result in long-term health and wellness problems. It's like living trapped inside of something much bigger than you.

The Power to Control You

People or circumstances that have hurt you can have the power to control you even when they're not around. How? If you only think about them, your mood can change. Your thoughts can be consumed by what happened. Anger can control you, change your mindset and attitude, and how you react to people around you. Your anger can dictate all this and more. If left unchecked, this could develop to the point where your health suffers.

Some progress to the point where you don't care anymore, and life begins to fall apart. The control of anger over you can cause you to drink excessively, smoke, overeat or use drugs. You can lose a sense of trusting people and feel misunderstood all the time.

Anger, hatred, and bitterness are like a deadly poison slowly siphoning your health from you.

You may develop a chip on your shoulder or wallow in self-pity. The anger inside of you could spill over onto your family and friends with angry outbursts over the slightest thing. You can find yourself thinking the worst of people in most situations. You may become the avenger and dream of ways to get even.

Anger and health can have power and influence over your entire life by making you miserable.

In severe cases, many that hold on to those feelings stemming from anger could develop deadly diseases. Studies of anger related to health in relationships have shown in cases of bitter divorces where one or the other partner developed a life-threatening illness. It can cause devastating health problems.

Unbridled anger and health consequences can develop symptoms of anxiety and or depression. Feelings of depression can become extreme. Some people can even come to a place where they could begin to believe the lie that their life doesn't have any meaning. They feel like they can't go on anymore.

In this state, there is a feeling of being at odds with your spiritual beliefs. Something seems not right between you and God. But the good news is you can take away this power that keeps hurting and controlling you. What is the answer? True forgiveness.

Why should you forgive?....for all of the above reasons. It's For You.... that's why.

Be Willing to
Let-Go of your Anger

Your anger cries out... "It's just not fair! Why should I forgive them?" 

You Can't forgive them, not perfectly as God commands us. But find out why you should come to the place where you 'Want' to forgive and lean on Jesus to do it in you.  Come to the place where you are willing to bring your anger to the cross and let Jesus take it from you.

You should forgive, not for the offenders, but for "You." You are not minimizing the wrong by forgiving those who have hurt you. Neither are you condoning what they did or excusing them.

Rest assured that everyone is responsible for what they do and will have to answer for it someday soon. As the saying goes,... What goes around comes around. What you plant in the ground is what you're going to harvest, "what so ever you sow that you shall also reap," as the Bible says.

It may help to look at your own life and see how many times you've needed forgiveness.  You Can take back the control of your own life BIG Time through forgiveness.

When you decide to forgive someone truly, you will feel a weight lifted off of you as a heavy burden removed. You will also receive many emotional and spiritual benefits besides the physical of excellent health and wellness.

The victory comes in 'the decision' you make, not in an emotion you feel—the decision to 'Want' to forgive puts you in line for the miraculous. The deeper the hurt, the more miraculous the healing will be.

Give all the injustice and your anger and hatred to God. He can handle it for you. He is the only one who can truly comfort you. He is the only one who can completely heal your soul wounds. He knows what you have suffered. He sees all. He is the only one who truly knows how you feel. And He is the only one who can do this in you and bring you through this.

Maybe You Blame God?

But maybe you're angry with God. Do you blame God for what happened? God is absolutely good; there is no bad in God, even when bad things happen to us. Bad things don't change God's character. Have you considered that the fault may lay with evil and not with good? There is an enemy of God and man whose goal is to kill, steal, and destroy.

The serpent (God's enemy) is pretty slick. The evil one does the dirty deed and turns around and blames God. The God who loves you and made a plan to rescue you from satan and his deceitful mind-controlling snare. Have you believed the father of all lies? Maybe you've been blaming the wrong god, the god of this world, the father of lies??

Remember, the father of mankind was given dominion over the earth. The serpent stole it through Adam's disobedience. The enemy of God has disrupted God's perfect plan for His children.

God's plan was for us to rule the earth with Him. God placed man in the garden of paradise and planned for us nothing but good. There was no anger, health issues, sickness, or death, nothing but good. Our job was to be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. We were to expand and make the whole world a garden of paradise, a heaven on earth.

The serpent is the one who caused all the misery that is on earth today. Satan stole that dominion and is called the god of this world system. He is the accuser of God. All evil, sickness, and sorrow come because of satan.

It's time to take back from that liar what he said you could never have. Victory waits for you in the Kingdom of God. Jesus brought the Kingdom of God near. You are not far from it even now.

Follow the links to Read More.....

Forgiveness like a two sided coin

I don't want to forgive

Strongholds Broken

Forgiveness-Let God do it in you and for you

Emotional Wellness

A Stronghold

I'm Hurt - Learn how to protect yourself.

Depression – A Christian Perspective

Forgiveness Key for your Wellness

The Character of God

Christian Healing - You have Rights!

Healing Prayers - When you are desperate for Healing

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True forgiveness

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